Daniel E. Vielleville
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Phone: (305) 567-5576
Fax: (305) 567-9343
100 SE 2nd St., Suite 3650
Miami, Florida 33131
Mr. Daniel A. Vielleville, a dual Venezuelan-U.S. attorney, is a partner in the Miami office. He heads our Latin America Practice and our International Business Practice. Mr. Vielleville is also a member of our Corporate and Finance Practice and our Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice. His practice focuses on international business transactions, and international litigation and dispute resolution.
Mr. Vielleville works extensively with both the common law and civil law systems. He advises on complex international maritime, finance, mining, energy, and oil and gas transactions. His litigation and arbitration practice includes:
- asset tracing
- complex jurisdictional disputes
- cross-border interim relief
- dispute resolution methodologies and procedures
- international commercial, trade, and finance arbitration
- investor-state disputes
- sovereign immunity and act of state issues
Mr. Vielleville has represented individuals, corporations, sovereign entities, and governments. Most notably, he was part of the legal team representing the Republic of Chile in two important cases: litigation against former Chilean President Augusto Pinochet; and represented Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (CORFO) concerning a massive securities fraud. Among other matters, these actions required filing of numerous petitions for judicial assistance under 28 U.S.C. § 1782. He also represented the IOPF Fund in managing the Maracaibo Lake oil spill claims against the oil tanker Nissos Amorgos and was part of the sub-committee that drafted Venezuela's Maritime Law Act.
Mr. Vielleville has significant experience in international arbitration and litigation. He has represented numerous corporations, States, and public entities in AAA, ICC, ICDR, and other arbitral tribunals and courts. Mr. Vielleville has represented numerous governments or state organizations in the United States and international legal proceedings and negotiations, including Chile, Colombia, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Venezuela. He has also been appointed as expert on Venezuelan law in several arbitration and civil proceedings. Mr. Vielleville is a Guest Professor of International Arbitration at Universidad Central de Venezuela; and often lectures and publishes on international arbitration and litigation. He is founder and past-president of the Venezuela-American National Law Association.
Resolving Commercial Conflicts with ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution J.D., University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, Florida, 2003
Cum Laude
LL.M., University of Georgia, 1996
Abogado, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 1994
New York
U.S. District Court Southern District of Florida
U.S. District Court Southern District of New York
Republic of Venezuela
New York State Bar Association
American Bar Association
Latin American Group of the ICC
The Florida Bar
Venezuelan National Bar Association (VENAMBAR)
- OA Foods LLC v. I.A.E. Industria Agricola Exportadora Inaexpo, C.A., Case No. 21-cv-20767-COOKE/DAMIAN, 2022 WL 963340 (S.D. Fl. March 30, 2022)
- Dominicana Renovables, S.L. v. Dominican Republic, Case No. 21-cv-21796-BLOOM/Otazo-Reyes, 2022 WL 604145 (S.D. Fl. March 1, 2022)
- Micro Finance Advisors, Inc. v. Coloumb, Case No. 1:21-cv-22303-JLK, 2021 WL 4502291(S.D. Fl. Oct. 1, 2021)
- In re Rendon, Case No. 1:20-mc-21152-KMM, 519 F.Supp.3d 1151, (S.D. Fl. 2021)
- Commodities & Minerals Enterprise Ltd. v. CVG Ferrominera Orinoco, C.A., 338 F.R.D. 664 (S.D. Fl. 2021)
- Franquiyama Holdings, Inc. v. Tamayo, Case No. 1:19-cv-23344-JLK, 2020 WL 4279896 (S.D. FL. June 2, 2020)
- Samana, Inc. v. Lucena, Case No. 17-24677-CIV-COOKE/GOODMAN, 2019 WL 11623927 (S.D. Fl. Sept. 16, 2019)
- Ortega v. Cargill, Inc., Case No. 1:15-CV-24368-DPG, 2016 WL 1732462, (S.D. Fl., April 28, 2016)
- Five for Entertainment S.A. v. Rodriguez, Case No. 11–24142–CIV, WL 4433420, (S.D. Fl. Aug. 15, 2013)
- In re Consejo de Defensa del Estado de La Republica de Chile, Case No. 05-21687-CIV-LENARD-KLEIN, 2006 WL 8433225 (S.D. Fl. May 9, 2006)
- Represented state-owned commodities company in Society of Maritime Arbitrators proceeding in New York and Miami.
- Represented telecom company in ICDR arbitration with seat in Miami against a Colombian corporation, arising from the breach of a technology agreement.
- Represented software developer in ICC arbitration with seat in Miami against Canadian distributor.
- In a London ICC arbitration, represented a multinational hospitality services company in a management dispute concerning a five-star hotel in Dubai.
- In a Lima, Perú ICC arbitration, represented real estate developers of a five-star hotel in Lima in a construction dispute with a multinational engineering corporation.
- In a Mexico City ICC arbitration, represented a US telecom company in a breach of contract claim against Ecuadorian state-owned telephone company.
- In a CAFTA-DR arbitration proceedings against the government of El Salvador, represented a precious metals mining company’s claim that the government's refusal to issue various environmental licenses and an exploitation concession was unlawful.
- In a Miami, ICDR arbitration, represented US telecom company in an intellectual property dispute with a Colombian corporation
- Represented financial institution with the enforcement of an ICSID arbitral award against the Republic of Argentina.
- In a Sao Paulo, ICDR arbitration, represented Israeli electronics multinational in a breach of distribution agreement against a multinational media group.
- Represented the largest North American pipeline company, and leading provider of natural gas services in litigation resulting from different proceedings conducted in the Dominican Republic and a related ICC arbitration.
- Represented the Consejo de Defensa del Estado de la República de Chile in a pre-action 28 U.S.C. 1782 proceeding to solicit "discovery in aid of civil and criminal cases” filed in Chile against ex-President Augusto Pinochet.
- Represented Corporación de Fomento de la Producción ("CORFO"), a sovereign entity, in a pre-action 28 U.S.C. 1782 proceeding to solicit “discovery in aid of civil and criminal cases” filed in Chile.
- Represented Banco de la República de Colombia in a dispute against a U.S. bank related to management of Colombia’s international reserves.
- Represented Venezuelan defendants in a parallel Florida action in favor of previously filed Venezuelan lawsuit.
- In Florida, represented a Venezuelan plaintiff in breach of contract and fiduciary duty and misrepresentation concerning the administration of the estate of Venezuelan businessmen with assets in Florida, Venezuela, British Virgin Islands and Liechtenstein
- Advised the IOPCF on Venezuelan law and coordinated the review and settlement of claims related to the 1998 Lake Maracaibo oil spill.
- Represented Argentinian Concert Promotor in federal case against a major music artist.
Human Rights
- In proceeding before Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, represented a Haitian journalist in a claim of torture by Haitian police.
- In a US asylum proceeding, represented family of a Colombian intelligence officer.
- “Ejecución y Cesión de Laudos de Arbitraje de Inversión. La Experiencia de los Estados Unidos”, en XII Jornada Aníbal Dominici en Homenaje a Eugenio Hernández-Bretón, José G. Salavarría (Coordinador), pp. 363-383, Caracas, Venezuela, 2022
- Co-author, ICCA Handbook Country Report on Venezuela, International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, 2018
- "El principio por el cual un estado no puede invocar su derecho interno para desvincularse de un convenio arbitral", in Libro Homenaje a Bernardo Cremades e Yves Derains, Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje, 2013
- Co-author, "Taking Evidence in International Arbitration: The New IBA Rules," International Law Quarterly, Florida Bar, Vol. XXV, No. 4 (2011)
- Case Law Contributor (Venezuela), in Kronke, Nacimiento et al. (eds), Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: A Global Commentary on the New York Convention (Kluwer Law International, 2010)
- “Nulidad de Contrato y Nulidad de Cláusula Compromisoria”, Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad Monteavila, Vol. 9, Caracas, 2010.
- “The Venezuela court’s denial of interim relief in aid of arbitration out of (misplaced) deference to the arbitral tribunal”, IBA Arbitration News, Vol. 15, No. 2, September 2010.
- “Recent Arbitration Developments in Venezuela,” AAA Dispute Resolution Journal, February - April 2010.
- “Sovereignty Over Natural Resources Versus Rights Under Investment Contracts: Which One Prevails?,” Transnational Dispute Management, Vol. 5, Issue 2 (April 2008).
- “Recientes desarrollos del arbitraje internacional en los Estados Unidos con partes latinoamericanas,” Revista del Club Español del Arbitraje, No. 1, 2008.
- Book “Hacia Unificación del Derecho Procesal Internacional,” Thomson/Aranzadi, Madrid, 2006.
- Mentioned, “CDE Describió Dineros de Pinochet en Miami,” La Nación, September 29, 2005.
- Mentioned, “Ministro Sergio Muñoz Embarga Bienes y Activos de Pinochet en EE.UU.,” La Nación, September 28, 2005.
- “Arbitration in Latin America: From Novelty to Reality,” International Chamber of Commerce Handbook, 2005.
- “Resarcir los daños ecológicos,” Economía Hoy, October 8, 1998.
- “Compensation for oil pollution,” The Daily Journal, October 8, 1998.
- “La desmaterialización de los títulos valores,” Economía Hoy, July 15, 1998.
- “Hot topic in maritime law: Port state control,” The Daily Journal, January 22, 1998.
- “Venezuelan Financial System,” Inter-American Trade Report, 1998.
- “Venezuela y la unificación del Derecho Marítimo Internacional,” Economía Hoy, November 12, 1997.
- “Venezuela and uniform international Maritime Law,” The Daily Journal, October 18, 1997.
- “Navigational safety and the law,” The Daily Journal, October 2, 1997.
- “Escogencia de la Ley Aplicable en el Derecho Marítimo Estadounidense y el Sistema Venezolano,” Anuario de Derecho Marítimo, Barcelona, España, 1997.
- Panelist, "Resolving Commercial Conflicts with ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution", October 2024.
- Panelist, ILAT Conference, "Arbitration in Energy and Infrastructure Disputes", Miami, 2015.
- Faculty, Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima's Commerical Arbitration Program, 2012 and 2013.
- Speaker, Peruvian national Arbitration Congress, Lima, November 2013.
- Moderator, ICDR 10th Annual Miami International Arbitration Conference, 2012.
- Speaker, 10th Annual International Litigation and Arbitration Conference, Session "The Next Generation of Investor-State Arbitration: A Review of the Logical Steps", February 2012.
- Panelist, Seminar “La prueba en el arbitraje comercial internacional”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, September 2011.
- Speaker, 10th Annual International LItigation and Arbitration Conference, Session "The Next Generation of Investor-State Arbitration: A Review of the Logical Steps", Febraury 2012.
- Panelist, ICC YAF Lima Event's "Corruption in Investment Arbitration," December 2011.
- Faculty, Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima's Commercial Arbitration Program, December, 2011.
- Panelist, Florida INternational University's "A Closer Look Beyond ICSID: Investment Arbitration Outside of the Realm of Bilateral," November 2011.
- Panelist, Florida International Unversity's International Arbitration Summit, March 2010
- Panelist, “Recent Developments in Arbitration – North America Focus,” ICDR International Arbitration Conference, Bogotá, Colombia, November 2009.
- Panelist, “Recent Developments in Arbitration – North America Focus,” ICDR International Arbitration Conference, Lima, Perú, November 2009.
- Expositor, “Experiencias Prácticas en Arbitrajes de Culturas Mixtas,” Arbitration Committee of the Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce, Caracas, Venezuela, October 2009.
- Panelist, “Las nacionalizaciones en Venezuela”, Foro sobre Arbitraje de inversiones, UNAM, Mexico City, September 2009.
- Expositor, “El Uso Defensivo de Laudos Arbitrales”, Comité de Arbitraje de la Barra Mexicana, Mexico City, July 2009.
- Internacional Law Institute (ILI) faculty on Arbitration Seminar, Washington, DC, April 2009.
- Panelist, “Internation Commercial Arbitration in Latinoamerica: The ICC Perspective,” Annual Conference, Miami, November 2008.
- Panelist, “Dispute Resolution in the International Oil & Gas Industry,” ICDR and AIPN Conference, Rio de Janeiro, October 2008.
- Guest, “Boumediene v. Bush,” Foro Interamericano Programa de la Voz de América, June 2008.
- Moderator, “International Arbitration in the Americas,” ICDR 6th Annual Miami International Arbitration Conference, Miami April 2008.
- Guest, Oppenheimer Presenta TV Program, “Crimen y Globalización,” January 2006.
- Panelist, “Seventh Annual International Money Laundering Conference and Exhibition,” Mexico City, August 2006.
Greenberg Traurig, Miami
Crowell & Moring, Washington, DC
Baker & McKenzie, Caracas
- Florida's Legal Elite 2007
- "Florida Super Lawyers," Thomson Reuters (2011-2013, 2015-2022)
- Who's Who Legal: Arbitration 2017 - Florida
- AMCHEM Lima, List of Arbitrators